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Av. Movimiento Obrero 227, Col. La Fama, Santa Catarina, N.L., México Green


Green Stuff® Absorbent Socks absorb and keep your work area clean and safe longer due to their excellent absorption capacity. They are available in different sizes to fit your needs. They are your best allies in the prevention and management of spills.


  • Green Stuff® Absorbent Socks are made of ground up absorbent foam, which provides great absorption capacity, from 3.8 to 20 liters per piece depending on the presentation.
  • Coated by durable polypropylene fabric and compatible with chemicals in aqueous solution and hydrocarbons in general.
  • Different sizes to adapt to your needs in terms of delineating machinery or corridors.
  • High absorption capacity that allows to contain spills better.
  • Lightweight.
  • Easy disposal as it can be incinerated or confined thanks to its high BTU’s and non-biodegradability.


Green Stuff® Sock 1.20 m

Green Stuff® Sock 3 m

Green Stuff® Sock 6 m